Tornado Tools

Tornado routes

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Tornado routes

Decorator for a tornado.web.RequestHandler configuring the route and initialization dict.

The Route decorator stores all routes inside a class level list. You can then add all routes to the application using the Route.routes method. Some examples:

from tornadotools.route import Route

class SimpleHandler(RequestHandler):

@Route(r"/test_with_name", name="test")
class SimpleHandler2(RequestHandler):

@Route(r"/test_with_init", initialize={'init': 'dictionary'})
class SimpleHandler3(RequestHandler):

app = Application([
    # other routes
    ] + Route.routes()

Tornado also support multiple hosts. When you want to use this with the Route decorator, you have to create the tornado.web.Application like this:

from tornadotools.route import Route

@Route(r"/.*", host="www\.example\.com")
class HostHandler(RequestHandler):

app = Application([])

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