Tornado Tools

Caching asynchronous methods

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Caching asynchronous methods

A caching decorator for asynchronous functions.

The decorated function has to accept a callback parameter. The callback itself has to accept only one parameter, the result:

from tornadotools.caching import Cache

def result_cb(result):
    print result

def get_async(argument1, argument2, callback=None):
    async_http_client.fetch(X, callback)

def get_cached():
    get_async(1,2, result_cb)

You can also combine the Cache decorator with the adisp methods:

from tornadotools.caching import Cache

def get_async(argument1, argument2, callback=None):
    async_http_client.fetch(X, callback)

def get_cached():
    result = yield get_async(1,2, result_cb)

If your keyword argument for the callback has a different name, you can change this in the decorator:

from tornadotools.caching import Cache

@Cache(timedelta(hours=1), cbname="cb")
def get_async(argument1, argument2, callback=None):
    async_http_client.fetch(X, callback)
get_async = adisp.async(get_async, cbname="cb")

By default, the tornadotools.caching.cache_key method will be used to compute the key for the cache. You could also provide your own method:

from tornadotools.caching import Cache

def my_key_method(*args, **kwargs):
    return kwargs.get('sessionid', cache_key(*args, **kwargs))

@Cache(timedelta(hours=1), cache_key_method=my_key_method)
def ...

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