My usual web application stack for the past years was based on a nginx as reverse proxy in front of a number of Python processes. Static resources were served by nginx. Each Python process was stateless, state was stored in some kind of database. If the processes needed some shared ephemeral state like counters a local redis instance solved that. A battle tested common ground for Python based web applications.

What I have added to this lately was Varnish, a powerful proxying cache. The first that comes in mind could be “there are two problems in computer science: naming things and cache invalidation”. Agreed, invalidation is tricky. But there are several tricks at hand that make this not so bad at all.

Note: all examples should work with Varnish 4.0 and greater. If not, drop me a line!

Caching for a very short period Link to heading

The first trick is to cache for only a very short amount of time, say 10 seconds or maybe even only 1:

Cache-Control: public, max-age=10

Say you have a resource that is being hammered a lot and it should be “near real-time”. Varnish will cache this response for 10 seconds. Now after the 10 seconds a new version must be computed. At this point Varnish will queue the incoming requests and only forward one of them to the backend. All “parked” requests will then get the response from the backend. Only one request to the backend every 10 seconds, but there could be billions to Varnish that don’t bother you.

Grace time Link to heading

Say you chose to cache for only one second. Everything will be fine then if the backend is able to compute a new version within one second. If it occasionally takes longer then users will have to wait for the backend response. Having users to wait is bad as you might be blocking the browser to render (which you should be avoiding by other means!) or the user sees the loading symbol even though all other elements are already loaded.

Here the grace time helps. It basically means that Varnish will return a stale cache object until the backend is done computing the new version. So let’s say the backend sets this header:

Cache-Control: public, max-age=1

In the Varnish VCL you then add:

sub vcl_backend_response {
    set beresp.grace = 1m;

This will allow your backend to take up to one minute to compute the new version. During this time Varnish will deliver the old version to all incoming requests. As soon as the backend is finished the new version will be delivered.

Grace in times of unhealthy backends Link to heading

Grace time can also be extended in order to serve content while the backend is down. For this you need to enable health checking for the backend like so:

backend server1 {
    .host = "";
    .probe {
        .url = "/_health";
        .timeout = 1s;
        .interval = 5s;
        .window = 5;
        .threshold = 3;

This tells varnish to check the /_health endpoint every five seconds. The backend needs to answer within one second. If three of the last five checks were successful Varnish considers this backend to be healthy.

Now Varnish needs to detect failure and deliver stale content in order to have some time fixing backends. For this we need to modify the vcl_hit method to increase the grace time to a very large value during times no healthy backend is available.

sub vcl_hit {
    # a cache hit
    if (obj.ttl >= 0s) {
        return (deliver);
    # object is expired
    if (std.healthy(req.backend_hint)) {
        # but we have a healthy backend
        if (obj.ttl + obj.grace > 0s) {
            # object is within the grace period
            return (deliver);
        } else {
            # object is outside the grace persiod, fetch a new version
    } else {
        # no healthy backend available, deliver old version for two hours
        if (obj.ttl + 2h > 0s) {
            return (deliver);
        } else {
            # after two hours we still have no healthy backend, now signal
            # the failure to the user
            return (fetch);

If you now manage to repair the backend within two hours the user will not see the outage except maybe for old content.

Purging the cache Link to heading

In order to remove a cache object a special HTTP verb can be used. By simply accessing the resource that should be removed with a PURGE verb, e.g., Varnish can dismiss the object. Again this is controlled in the VCL itself:

sub vcl_hit {
    if (req.request == "PURGE") {
        return(synth(200, "Purged"));
sub vcl_miss {
    if (req.request == "PURGE") {
        return(synth(200, "Purged"));

Now executing something like

$ curl -XPURGE ""

would purge the cached object. The next GET request issues a new fetch from the backend. Obviously not everyone should be allowed to purge the cache so a simple ACL with white listed IPs blocks unwanted access:

acl purge {
    # add a list of allowed IPs here

Then use it to block access from any other machine:

sub vcl_hit {
    if (req.request == "PURGE") {
        if (!client.ip ~ purge) {
            return(synth(405, "Not allowed."));
        return(synth(200, "Purged"));

Cache invalidation based on content Link to heading

Sometimes invalidation based on URLs is not sufficient. Let’s say one of the articles from the big publishing house had to be removed for legal reasons and you absolutely don’t want to show it anymore. Invalidating the whole cache would place quite some load on the backend. Maybe even too much load. In this case banning objects based on its content enables one to only invalidate the affected objects.

For this we need to introduce a custom HTTP response header from the backend. This could be something like a list of article ids:

Content-Articles: 1,2,3,4,5

Varnish will store this header along with the object. In order to invalidate all cached objects containing article 3 an artificial endpoint in the VCL is introduced:

sub vcl_recv {
    if (req.url ~ "/_ban" && req.method == "BAN") {
        ban("obj.http.Content-Articles ~ " + req.http.Ban-Article);
        return(synth(204, "NO CONTENT"));

The request to ban article 3 would now be:

$ curl -XBAN -H 'Ban-Article: 3' ''

Again securing via ACL is trivial and left out for clarity.

Banning works slightly different from purging. With purging the object is removed instantly. For each call to ban, Varnish keeps a list of banning statements that live for a longer period of time. When a cached object is requested all of the banning statements are executed against the cached object. If one matches, the object is fetched from the backend and not served. Once all objects have been visited, the banned statement is removed.

In the case of rarely accessed objects, this might never happen. For this the ban lurker thread will iterate over the otherwise missed objects and remove them when necessary.

Conclusion Link to heading

I hope interest was raised if it has not been present so far. Varnish has helped me a lot over the years and saved a lot of money by reducing the amount of servers necessary for the individual project.

Resources Link to heading