Well, that was a writer’s block. For about a year I’ve been planning to write a response post to Mikio Braun’s Everyone Is Still Terrible At Creating Software post. It resonates a lot with me and has triggered myself into completely overthinking my writing. I spent weeks and months over a number of drafts, all connected. Never finished. And some are still just in my head.
To be honest, right now it feels strange to think about how we could build software better and how we might set up teams better so that they can actually be successful. The events of the last week are beyond mind-blowing and the impact on me, the industry, Europe, the World, is not yet clear in my opinion.
But one needs some distraction to not go crazy. So the endless news-watching and not enough sleep (also triggered by a small infection) has helped me change the way I structured my thoughts and my posts. Instead of writing this huge amount of text in multiple blog posts, I separated the principles and mental models out of them. Instead, I’m now collecting them in my list of Ideas & Concepts.
With this I am now ready to dump all of those drafts and thoughts that are still in my mind and my org-roam setup. Individually, as smaller pieces, and not one large chunk of work. It seems like I finally listened to myself and rediscovered the ideas of small batches.
Now, off to editing my drafts into better text. And watching the news…